Some 8380 News and Notes
I’m feeling really stoked on this whole blog/website thing so I figure I’ll spill my guts on here ‘til I tire of it. I’ve been doing some brainstorming lately and there should be some new stuff coming out here in the next month.
I’ve been working on a euro bumpered E30 design, which should be making an appearance in some shape or form similar to this in a PreOrder on and within the next week or two.
New decals and other small merch in the works as well when I can finish them up and get them ordered. Couple of the items will remain top secret ‘til they are in stock. 8380 always enjoys being mysterious.
A friend also brought up the idea of making a page with the previous designs we’ve done for old time’s sake, and it sounds like a good idea to me, so I’ll work on that too.
So I just got back Sunday night from Portland, OR visiting a good friend that I grew up with in York, PA. We cruised around a lot in his recently acquired Suzuki Samurai. It takes a minute to get used to them, but anyone who has driven a Mk1 would understand. Horribly underpowered, full of rattles, generally unsafe for highway use, you know the drill. I wasn’t sold at first, but after doing a little research on them, then seeing THIS I am totally sold. I don’t know if I like the truck or the soundtrack more. Perfect harmony. I might have to add these little tanks to the spring line. I need one.
Shaun does all kinds of cool stuff out there in Portland. Besides being a wiley small game hunter, a master of primitive skills, a great chef and a tender lover, he can ride the shit out of anything that even remotely resembles a bicycle. And he also hand makes some BA cycling caps from recycled materials. We’ve got some plans to do a collab later this spring, send him harassing emails if you’re interested in that prospect.