Winter Wallop News and Questionnaire
I’m sitting in my office at 8380 Headquarters overlooking the neighborhood as even MORE snow falls and the wind is whipping around like crazy. There is 3+ feet of snow on the ground, 30 inches or so from last weekend and over a foot from the last 24 hours. 8380 doesn’t get snow days, so we’re working and thinking and working.
We’ve been working on ways to streamline and improve 8380:
• A revised shipping calculator in the works
• A mild reworking of the website to work out a few kinks
And expanding too:
• A new page on the site for 8380 Laboratories Design Services
• New places to buy 8380 stuff
• As always more new designs, Promo Packs, prints and decals
We’re pretty excited about 8380 Design Services. Our hope is to continue to develop relationships with shows and businesses in the car community, whether it’s logos, t-shirts, advertising, printing or anything else in between. The new page on the site will include an explanation of the services we’ll offer along with some of our previous work.
This goes for work outside the car community as well. If you guys know of a person or business needing graphic design, send them our way and you may find yourself being rewarded for helping us track down a job!
Look for the refreshed on or around March 1st!
Finally, I’m going to leave you guys with a couple questions, we hope to get some feedback from you all on this stuff:
1) What cars do you want to see in 2010?
2) What colors? (Anything new, or more of something we’ve already done?)
3) What products that we don’t currently offer would you most like to see added to the lineup?
4) Any other changes you would like to see?
And I’m throwing this pic in just because it seems appropriate. Answer the questionnaire and get back to us!