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    Pic of the Day




     This was sent over by a fella on Vortex by the name Breezy, pretty dialed in Miata. Figured we'd change it up a little bit today!


    E30 Post-Body Shop #1

    I got a call Friday that the E30 would be done by day's end. Since I was heading up to York that evening for VAG Fair festivities I knew I wouldn't get a chance to see it until today. So I stopped by to check it out and settle up on my bill, then tomorrow I will go back and pick it up, once I can get a ride to the shop from Dave. 

    I was pretty excited all weekend to finally see it, so I went with camera in hand to document some before/afters. It turned out even better than I had hoped. The floor, which had been pushed up about 3/4" due to rust and my poor floor-jacking decision looks fantastic, the only thing betraying the fact that it's ever been touched is the weld line and fresh undercoating. Everything was massaged back into place and it really looks great. I'll post up the new pics with the before shots for reference:

    Passenger pinch rail/outboard floor 




    Passenger side of rear valance

    Rear passenger side of valance/battery box area

    Overall, I'm super pleased. It feels good to know the car is rust-free moving forward, so I can focus on other areas in need of attention. I haven't shown any pics of the driver's side fender yet because it's not on the car yet. 

    My plan tomorrow is to reattach the old driver's fender and bumper to get the car home, then spend some time getting the car sorted out. I may grab some new hardware and also POR-15 some surface rust on the pinch rails before i mount my two freshly painted fenders. I also scored a freshly painted trunk lid from a friend in exchange for a favor, and it will be receiving an iS lip once i can throw some paint at it. I'm going to finally get to install my cardinal carpet as well. I'll take a bunch of pics of the process and end results as I go.

    All the work was done by the guys at Performance Collision in Catonsville, MD. I'd recommend them to anyone, they are priced fairly and do outstanding and trustworthy work.
