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    Pic of the Day

    Ready for Rubber.

    Got these babies all done over the weekend, getting the tires mounted tomorrow! Refinishing these wheels has been a gigantic pain the behind, but the results have been worth it. I'd guesstimate that over the 2 years I've had these, including the first partial refinish and this full refinish, that I've got at least 60 hours into these wheels!

    Next pics will probably be after the weekend at H20, unless I get time to snap a couple quickies once I get them on the car towards the end of the week. 




    Friday Bonus

    This Friday's bonus post is totally non car-related. Soundgarden is probably my favorite band of all-time, I just saw them in Chicago last month and they recently dug out a previously un-released song from the Badmotorfinger sessions. This is the video that just came out for it, pretty sweet.
