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    Pic of the Day


    Back in the saddle after a long vacation for my honeymoon! Figured I better come back swinging...


    July 23rd - August 9th

    It's been a minute since I've had more than a couple days away from my desk, so I'm pretty excited for a two week vacation.  Even moreso since I'm getting married tomorrow and we're leaving for our honeymoon Monday morning.  It's been a hectic last few weeks getting everything in place for the wedding and tying up loose ends with 8380, but we're just about there.

    On the logistical side of things, 8380 will not be missing a beat.  Orders will still be shipping out on the same schedule as usual, emails and PMs will be checked and responded to and the PreOrders will continue as scheduled.  Some things will have to wait until my return to be handled though, like freelance inquiries, custom orders, and the blog pic of the day.

    Thanks in advance for your patience and support, I'll see you guys in a few weeks at VAG Fair!
